This page last changed on Jan 08, 2009 by ehazzard.

This is a composite list.

All units: Add answers in teacher version.

All units: Run each in student mode and check everything (including scaffolding). Check page layout.

All units: Set scientific notation to OFF

All units: Make corrections noted in teacher guides.

All units: Check that glossary matches vocab in teacher guide.

All units: Make sure students must progress one subpage at a time. Right now, in student view, you can click from the 1st to the 4th red ball in the subpage menu.

All units: Should students have access to the dictionary and lab book for the pre-test and post-test??  Right now, they do (which seems kind of funny since we removed the blue links to certain words, so students could not get definitions).  [If we remove this access, change this line in the teacher guides: They can access their lab book and glossary as they answer the questions.]

Include standard text before every first-time data collector and draw tool with links to movies/hints.Refer to spreadsheet to locate these usages.

Incorporate feedback from the field (if any).


Change order, putting notes about how to teach the activities first.

Proofread for content.

Is there enough? Should we add some? Where?

Is there enough? Should we add some? Where?


When there are sensor graphs with instructions near them, the instructions sometimes tell the students to "start collecting data" before the students even know what it is that they'll be doing.
For example, Clouds 3-4, Water Vapor, page 4:
Page 1: Atatch the humidity sensorto the computer. Click on the magnifying glass for a technical hint.
Page 2: Start collecting data. Click on the maginfying....
Page 3: Measure the humidity in a plastic bag. Then breath in the bag and measure the humidity again.
Even if they had a plastic bag out, they'd have collected ten seconds or so of data by the time they finished reading that instruction. The instructions haven't mentioned a bag yet, though, so they'd probably collect several minutes of data before they found a bag.
I'm not sure how best to change it (if you even think it's an issue). Maybe have them set everything up before telling them to start the data?

Plants 34

Water and Sunlight activity:

Note from teacher guide: Explain: Using the data collected from the group's four plants, which is combined on a single chart, students analyze the data that has been collected.  Based on their analysis, students support their conclusions with the evidence that their group collected to decide what conditions allow a plant to grow the most successfully. (In question nine could we change the word experiment to investigation?)

Parts of a plant activity:

Notes from teacher guide: Explain: (Need to look at the explanations---reinforce misconceptions that movement of matter is in only one direction roots-stem-leaves.  Movement goes both directions.) Students are now given a diagram of a plant.  As they scroll over the parts of the plant, the functions of the roots, stem, and leaves, are explained in text boxes. Students are then asked to explain in their own words the function of each part.

Elaborate: Now that students have observed a "typical" plant, they are shown a cactus and using text boxes have the functions of the parts of the cactus plant explained.  (Need key on the night view of stem to tell what the 3 colored shapes are.)  Then they are asked to explain how the cactus works and explain the differences between the cactus and the plant in the Explain section.

Parts of a plant:
the branches open more slowly than regular activities.
need an easy way to select which branch to print - any or all.

Clouds 56

Add smart model questions to the graph that goes with the MW model in making clouds. LATER

Water cycle game, page 4, "copy of the Wat er Cyc le Table" -- the text has extra spaces
Water cycle game, page 6, subpage 5, remove the number 4. at the beginning of the instructions
Wondering About Clouds (story).  Page 16 of the story says, "Write a summary of Chapter 5."  It should say Chapter 6. OR REMOVE SUMMARY AND WRITE A DIFFERENT QUESTION.
Making clouds, page 8, subpage 1, "Notice that the model now includes a Cool button. Run the model. Click the Heat button ten times. What happens?"    Should that be "Heat" or "Cool"?  Students have already tried heating the model on a previous page, and now the Cool button is introduced.
Water cycle model, page 4, subpage 3, "What form of water does each of the moving dots represent? (blue, white, gray, black)" There is only one text box. Perhaps there could be four text boxes beside each color:
What form of water does each of the moving dots represent?
blue (text box)
white (text box)
gray (text box)
black (text box)

Cloud cover, page 6, change concave to convex

Electricity 34
need new story, and possibly images to go with it
wrap-up: make sure there's a page for each of the rearranged activities.
connect new questions to the appropriate activities.

Electricity 56
revise story (and images) to be 56 characters instead of 34 characters.
wrap-up: make sure there's a page for each of the rearranged activities.
connect new questions to the appropriate activities.

Crank up the lights, page 10, the image is so far to the right that a horizontal scroll bar is necessary.
Crank up the lights, page 11, the text box is too wide.

Level 1
    * Make sure lab book always loads background image
    * Make sure smart graph is not causing freezes

Level 2
    * Log starting and clearing of data graphs
    * Teachers can disable student writing of definitions
    * Students have option to re-write definitions
    * Glossary expands to show individual definitions
    * Have answer fields that include units
    * Allow smart graphs to support units
    * Smart graph:
          o Highlighting of graph axes
          o Label tool with lines going to axes
          o Pre-fill label tool
          o Student-draggable highlighter
    * Simple disabling of individual glossary items by authors
    * Ensure a real graph snapshot is taken of push-it model (currently a screenshot of the graph is recorded)

Level 3
    * Native TTS for windows: currently windows and other non-Mac platforms use the FreeTTS library for speech. Switching to native would make for a slightly smaller download (though voice may be worse).
    * Models can't be currently printed out (they just display with a "Model" box). Printing out a real screen shot would be nice.

Improve the compass icon to be transparent.??

Fix bugs in graphing tool:
    * use of data point label has problems
    * reset to default range doesn't always work
    * make "none" default instead of "engineering"
    * need to make sure the graph doesn't free-scale (leaving data behind)

Smart graph script
    * add features for live data, such as smoothing and finding the max or a value at a given time
    * automatically display units with numerical answer

Check Windows sound volume problem.

Compress Camtasia movies that explain graphs or models OR use another way to convey this information. OR just just this in the teacher guide?

Check printing of activity with branches.

The "submit" button at the end of the post test (and pretest?) should automatically save their data at that moment.

remove "subtitle" adding when a page is first created. WISHLIST

Fonts on PCs are horrible.  Fix them!

Remove page numbers from wrapping up.

Fix bugs in graphing tool:

    * use of data point label has problems
    * deleting is clumsy. And the answer checker sees the record of deleted labels.
    * when you create a data point, the "cancel" should cancel the creation action!
    * reset to default range doesn't always work
    * make "none" default instead of "engineering"
    * need to make sure the graph doesn't free-scale (leaving data behind)

Smart graph script

* automatically display units with numerical answer

    * add features for live data, such as smoothing and finding the max or a value at a given time LATER


in pretest and posttest, add appropriate objects that can go with the question, which will be displayed in the report, if the prompt is insufficient.


A final review of each unit should include the following:

Run the activities as a student.

Check that all data collectors and sensors have the appropriate "magnifying glass" technical hints and a snapshot button.

Make sure activities are cleaned up (so that students don't start half-way through)


Change order, putting notes about how to teach the activities first.

Proofread for content.

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:49